Let me guess: you got one of those electronic keyboards because the salesman said that even an idiot could sound like Paderewski by just plugging it in. You got it home; you plugged it in; and you sound like . . .   Good! That means I'm not the Lone Ranger...and neither are you. It used to just toast my muffins to watch little kids bang out some great tune, while I still struggled trying to get "chopsticks" right... Well, I'll make you a deal: 1) Don't expect me to get you onto the stage at Carnagie Hall; 2) Do give me a couple of hours (yeah! HOURS not days, not weeks) ... and I'll give you enough understanding of music so that you actually CAN improvise your own tunes ...and you'll be getting on the road to real musical knowledge. So - who am I? Some world famous piano-player? A musical genius? Author of some fancy music system I'm going to try to sell you? Recording star? Not hardly! I'm just a working stiff who bought a keyboard hoping to entertain myself playing all those tunes I hum in the shower. I didn't even really want to learn to read music: I'm no performer. I just wanted to be able to bang out something reasonably pleasent on the keys and using all those fancy built-in sounds. Well, I tried the take-some-lessons route; the teach-yourself-books and even dragging some piano-playing friends over to the house to help me. Oh sure, I picked up a couple of simple tricks (which I'll show you) but I still figured there must be some basic understanding I was missing:. You know, some kind of simple rules that really taught HOW music is made. So... I started back with the lessons; looked in all the books, and then just watched my fingers as I experimented...and Lo and Behold: there were the simple rules! DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT: IT'S EASY!!! Now I haven't discovered anything new here: it's all been known for a long time; but after I figured it out, I was improvising my OWN shower music within minutes! So what do I mean by making my own music? Well, I can play using both hands; I know which keys sound good together and which don't, and I know how to find those keys no matter where I start playing. On the other hand, I still can't read sheet music and Carnagie Hall will just have to wait a few more years. But now, any time I want, I can sit down at the keyboard and play away til my heart's content! AND, when you're done with this, I hope you'll be able to do that too! There are only 5 things I'm going to show you how to do, and each one is very simple. Now I can't make you at expert at doing them, you still have do that yourself, but I can give you the tools you'll need to begin playing the keyboard today! Let's go!